We are actively seeking our first investment round for Swift for Arduino
Swift for Arduino has come a long way in the 24 months since version 1.0 was released and we got our first paying customer. We could not have done it without the support of our amazing customers, community and volunteers. Everyone who bought a license, contributed an idea or just gave us a virtual "thumbs up", we thank you.
We are very proud to have got this far from bootstrapping alone, with volunteers and community contributions playing a vital role. For the next phase of our development, we have decided to seek our first investment partnerships. We are planning to move up a gear (or three!) and we are looking to hit as many of these milestones as we can as soon as we can...
- A new product for ARM microcontrollers
- A microsoft Windows version
- A linux version
- A new product for the RISC-V open ISA
- Bringing sales up 10x and more
With such an ambitious agenda, we will need all the help we can get!
For this round we are currently focused on single or small syndicates of angel investors. And, most importantly, we are looking for people who care about the technology and think it can be an exciting new frontier in robotics, embedded and iot.
What's in it for you as an investor? Well, firstly (we hope) a healthy return from a young, but tried and tested business model. We have confident projections for profitability within a year or two from funding and a fully costed five year plan. We think this really is getting in at the ground on a remarkable opportunity. Secondly, you can help us shape our future, contributing your own ideas, insight and connections/contacts to our company, as true partners.
Are you potentially interested or you know someone who is? Please send us an email at swiftforarduino@gmail.com and request more details, request an investor prospectus or arrange a virtual or physical meeting to hear about the opportunity.